BOOK 8, Baltimore, SPX, Kickstarter, archives, Book 5, all sorts of neat shit!
Posted September 8, 2014 at 12:03 am


First things first: here's a link to the NuvaRing website, which is the mystical "Ring" Jameson & Maureen are talking about. It actually sounds AMAZING (special thanks to Nurse Annie for explaining how it works to me!). You push it in and place it around the opening of your cervix for 3 weeks, take it out for a week to have your period, then put in another one and repeat.

(We'll go into more detail later; I just wanted to give you the basics in case this concept was way beyond you.)

***end PSA***


Hey guys! Were you at Baltimore Comic Con this past weekend? I wasn’t! 

GWS Volume 8!!
I was a bit saddened to pass up on Baltimore this year, a local show that I'd attended for nearly a decade (maybe more?) until this past weekend. But I needed the weekend to stay home and work on GWS Volume 8, whic I'll be putting together this week with the help of my intern Nicole - at a slightly accelerated rate - so that it’s available in time for Christmas this year (thanks TopatoCo!). So I hope you Baltimore attendees won't hold it against me!
Besides, I'll be at another local show this weekend! That show is...
The Small Press Expo is one of my FAVORITE shows and it's very arts- and independents-focused. It's held right off the White Flint Metro station (Red Line) in Bethesda, MD, and it's only $15 to get in Saturday, or $10 on Sunday. Plus it starts at, like, normal weekend sleep-in hours!

Anyway, I'll be DEAD CENTER against the back wall, right at the end of TopatoCo, at booth W31! If I play my cards right, I'll be between three of my favorite humans: Rich Stevens, and Frank and Becky! Come visit; aforementioned intern Nicole will be there, as will my Vermont intern Stephanie and they're both really excellent!

Speaking of interns...
Looks like the Vintage Packs and Nude Packs are the next rewards I need to ship out! Nicole and I (and probably some help from Stephanie) will do our best to get those out in a timely manner. 
If you pledged to my Kickstarter for a fancy reward last June, and are wondering when you’ll get that fancy reward, please check the right-hand column here to find the level you pledged and check the “estimated delivery” date below it.
Or you can log in to Kickstarter and check your backer history; the level at which you pledged, AND the reward and its delivery date, will be right there. :)
Speaking of... the Internet... ? ....
Archive Page!!
When you click the Archive button below the strip, it'll now bring you directly to a collection of the GWS books and their tables of contents, linked to each strip they refer to, so that you can go directly to the strips you wanna read! Especially useful for those times when you're like "I do NOT remember this character" or you're like "Did Jameson and Maureen actually talk about having kids already?" (Spoilers: yes.)
Additionally, if you want one of the books (like, physically) (not, like, sexually) (or maybe sexually too I guess), you can just click on the book cover you want and it'll take you STRAIGHT to the GWS section of the TopatoCo store.
Look at how easy I made everything for you.
(Actually, Erin did, but... details.) (No, seriously though, Erin's the shit.)
Wondering why Volume 5 says "sold out?" Well,
Volume 5 Sold Out!!
Volume 5 is sold out! Who knew??*
So, good/bad news. The bad news is, if you wanted Book 5, it is NOT going to be reprinted, so you'll have to scour the Internet for a used copy (or ask Dragon's Lair in Austin VERY nicely if they have any left).
The good news is, if you have a copy of Book 5 that you don't mind giving up, you can probably sell it online super easily! Just saying.
This is the first book to sell out that WON'T be reprinted, and Book 2 is on its way out as well. Just a heads-up, guys!
*me, TopatoCo, and anyone who came to a signing during my tour, post-midwest


Join the GWS mailing list!
It's free, infrequent, & not annoying.

2024 Schedule

Bethesda, MD
September 14-15
table K13A
Figure Drawing for Cartoonists Workshop: Saturday from 2-3:30

event is FREE but please sign up for it HERE
(there are limited spaces!)


GWS 20th Birthday

Richmond, Virginia - 9/30
at Here Queer from 5-8

Nashville, Tennesee - 10/5
at Lipstick Lounge from 1-3

Madison, Wisconsin - 10/9

Ann Arbor, Michigan - 10/12
at Vault of Midnight from 5-7

Shepherdstown, West Virginia - 10/18
wrap party! at Four Seasons Books from 6-9


Jefferson County, West Virginia November 9-10

Danielle likes to read...

New faves!!

Underpants and Overbites
My Giant Nerd Boyfriend
Up and Out
Alison and her Rock Awesome Robot
Kevin Budnik's autobio comics


Questionable Content
Something Positive
Dumbing of Age
Diesel Sweeties
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Johnny Wander
Octopus Pie
That Deaf Guy
Sufficiently Remarkable
Blaster Nation
Ramen Empire
Jump Rope
Outlander Man

Too Sexy For Work!
Chester 5000 (too sexy for work!)

Oh Joy Sex Toy (also too sexy!)
The Rock Cocks (careful: sexy!)

Finished, but worth re-reading!
The Bad Chemicals
Cul de Sac 

I also love the podcast My Brother My Brother And Me!

My old pal R. Stevens and I used to do a podcast called Coffee and Cider! It was mostly about being work-obsessed idiots and human beings who like beverages and have cats.