2012 Wrap-Up!
Posted December 31, 2012 at 02:01 am
Hey, 2012! You’ve been pretty super, but let’s face it, I’ve spent most of you preparing for next year. And I can’t wait to dive in…

Fappy New Year!
… but before I dive into 2013, might I remind y’all that JimmyJane‘s special GWS discount is still available until the 15th of January? AWW YEAH it is! Just type inGWSHOLIDAY at checkout, and get $25 off any order $145 and over.

(So, I guess technically that IS 2013 news.)

Also, congrats to our two Lelo Smart Wand winners! I won’t say who won; that’d just be unladylike. Thanks to everyone who participated!

2013 Event Schedule
So, for the new year, I have some new news. First of all, I’ve got the majority of my convention lineup listed directly to your right (or your left, if you’re dyslexic, I think?), under the title “2013 Schedule.” I’m only listing those cons that have received and approved my applications, so never fear, this is not a complete list. But it’s pretty close!

Now, youÂ’ll notice that there is no cross-country US road trip featured under there. IÂ’ve decided to do my big trip in 2014 so that I can plan it out over the next year. Your wonderful input a few months ago has been VERY helpful in planning the route; now I just need to get signing venues, places to crash, a solid tune-up on my car, etc.!

Until then, IÂ’m thinking I may make a shorter New England tour sometime this summer, but thatÂ’s not set in stone yet. IÂ’ll be bugging you guys for destinations later, for sure. :)

Call for Guest Strips!
Yep, IÂ’ve gotta do it again! IÂ’ll be hitting the west coast for a week near the end of January, and IÂ’d like to feature some new guest work for the week of January 21-25.

Since the old artwork in last week’s Q&A strip about the ridiculous winged GWS costume went over so well, I was thinking we could take a break from faux-reality of the GWS world. Anybody who wants to do a strip featuring Hazel and Jamie in their original costumes can submit it to me byJanuary 11th. As always, please submit your strips todcorsetto@gmail.com with these specifications:

  • Subject: GUEST STRIP

  • Include: your NAME, the NAME OF YOUR COMIC (if you have one), the URL OF YOUR COMIC (if you have one)

  • Size: 900 pixels wide, preferably in .JPG or .PNG format

For reference, this is the (super old!) GWS logo the girls are rockinÂ’ on their shirts:

They both wear black tops with this logo and regular ol’ beat-up jeans, Docs and Chuck Taylors, and those little costume wings. And they carry actual slingshots.

Other than that, just reference last week’s strip and use your imagination for the rest. Creatives, have at it!

Secret Projects
Why so many guest strips recently, you ask? Well, I canÂ’t tell you. Like I literally canÂ’t tell you, itÂ’s in my contract. But I can give you an idea!

IÂ’m writing scripts for two separate graphic novels that should be completed by the end of 2013, if not much sooner. While IÂ’m not drawing either of them, IÂ’ve committed myself to writing around 20 pages a week, which is more work than IÂ’d expected it to be.

Naturally, the moment IÂ’m allowed to talk about either of them, IÂ’ll be bragging about it here. :)

In addition to these two projects, because I’m a glutton for insane work schedules, I’m teaching an illustration class at Shepherd University, my alma mater (2004, I’M OLD NOW) starting on January 7th. Needless to say, my schedule is packed and my plate is full. I’ve kindly asked my friends and family to pretend I’m dead until at least March. I would suggest you all do the same.

IÂ’m taking the month of February off from traveling so that I can focus on these extra projects, so this should be the last time IÂ’ll need guest strips for awhile. That said, if youÂ’ve wanted to do a guest strip for me, this is your last chance for a long while*!

*I hope. Because if I need guest strips again soon, it’ll be for “Danielle is in the hospital” reasons.

Sweet-Ass New Year
I hope y’all have a fun, safe, wonderful new year’s eve tonight (or a totally boring, relaxing one). I hardly think you need a reminder, but please be responsible and give your car keys to a drunk friend so that they’ll drop ‘em in the toilet and then neither of you will drive home. Or just plan to call a cab.

Thanks for your support over the year (heck, years!), and for continuing to give me bragging rights for Best Webcomic Readers Ever! I <3 you guys.

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2024 Schedule

GWS 20th Anniversary
Northeast Tour in August!
Midwest & South in October!

details coming soon!

September 14-15
table K13A

more details coming soon!

November 9-10

details coming soon!

Danielle likes to read...

New faves!!

Underpants and Overbites
My Giant Nerd Boyfriend
Up and Out
Alison and her Rock Awesome Robot
Kevin Budnik's autobio comics


Questionable Content
Something Positive
Dumbing of Age
Diesel Sweeties
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Johnny Wander
Octopus Pie
That Deaf Guy
Sufficiently Remarkable
Blaster Nation
Ramen Empire
Jump Rope
Outlander Man

Too Sexy For Work!
Chester 5000 (too sexy for work!)

Oh Joy Sex Toy (also too sexy!)
The Rock Cocks (careful: sexy!)

Finished, but worth re-reading!
The Bad Chemicals
Cul de Sac 

I also love the podcast My Brother My Brother And Me!

My old pal R. Stevens and I used to do a podcast called Coffee and Cider! It was mostly about being work-obsessed idiots and human beings who like beverages and have cats.