Posted April 15, 2007 at 02:01 am

Okay, two things. One: a very large package came in the mail yesterday from Amazon.
I'm talking... this thing coulda had a refrigerator in it, okay? Like, the kind of box you ship small children in.
And I'm like, but all I ordered was a self-help book (and I just admitted that on a public blog), why is this box so big?

The post office is two blocks away, but I had to drive - not carry, but DRIVE - this package home, where I open it to find... a scanner.
Um, what? This does not help me cope with my suburban middle-class-bred quarter-life crisis.

There's no invoice. No gift card.
This wasn't even ON my Amazon Wishlist, so I know Random Kind & Clever Reader couldn't have known that I wouldn't mind a new scanner (mine's tiny and I have to scan my pages 2-3 times and piece them together in Photoshop - PAIN!).

Then it hits me: I got someone else's order.
Or worse, I got charged for something I never ordered (and I hide my Visa from myself when I'm drunk, so I mean it when I say "never").

I begin to lament the fact that I'm inevitably going to have to go through the trouble of sending this thing back, when I get an e-mail from a reader I'm familiar with:

"Hey, I never donated for all the free GWS pages I have read, and I figured you had mention how painful it is to piece together a strip, so I hope the flimsy 11x17 scanner helps!"


I'm not going to name names, but L? THANK. YOU. I'm completely beside myself.
You just made my life way easier.

So... although that is miraculous and amazing on its own, I have ANOTHER blog-worthy note to make:

I know you're out there, you talented thing you.
Will you PLEASE update your e-mail address (all of your addresses are bouncing back edit: maybe if I stopped using explicit words in e-mail subjects, they would be delivered properly) so that people like me who become UTTERLY HOOKED on your webcomic Nothing Better
can thank you and flatter you and then blame you for almost keeping us from scripting our own comics because your comic is so damn good we couldn't stop reading it?

In other words, GWS readers, you might severely enjoy Nothing Better if you start reading it.
So if you open that link, please don't open it at work or if you need to use the bathroom in the next five minutes/two hours.
Because if you like it, you won't be able to move for a very, very long time.


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2024 Schedule

GWS 20th Anniversary
Northeast Tour in August!
Midwest & South in October!

details coming soon!

September 14-15
table K13A

more details coming soon!

November 9-10

details coming soon!

Danielle likes to read...

New faves!!

Underpants and Overbites
My Giant Nerd Boyfriend
Up and Out
Alison and her Rock Awesome Robot
Kevin Budnik's autobio comics


Questionable Content
Something Positive
Dumbing of Age
Diesel Sweeties
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Johnny Wander
Octopus Pie
That Deaf Guy
Sufficiently Remarkable
Blaster Nation
Ramen Empire
Jump Rope
Outlander Man

Too Sexy For Work!
Chester 5000 (too sexy for work!)

Oh Joy Sex Toy (also too sexy!)
The Rock Cocks (careful: sexy!)

Finished, but worth re-reading!
The Bad Chemicals
Cul de Sac 

I also love the podcast My Brother My Brother And Me!

My old pal R. Stevens and I used to do a podcast called Coffee and Cider! It was mostly about being work-obsessed idiots and human beings who like beverages and have cats.