Raping boys is not OK.
Posted May 29, 2007 at 02:01 am

Friday's strip caused a bit of an uproar in the GWS-reading community, so without giving away the plot, I'd like to make one thing very, very clear:

I'm kicking myself for starting the Chris & Candy story arc just before a month-long break, but just trust me, you should wait until the story unravels in July to make any assumptions about what I think is acceptable.
Meanwhile, Chris is just gonna have to fend for himself for 30 days.

In other news, if you're not going to the Paradise Toronto Comic Con or Heroes Con, you're doing yourself a great disservice.
These shows are two of my fast faves (and I've only been to either of them once!), and GOD you just NEED to be at at least one of them!

June 8-10

The Paradise Toronto show is this wonderfully laid-back convention in (duh) Toronto that has some fantastic guests I rarely get to see.
For some reason everyone in that town is stunningly gorgeous and talented, and (get this) NICE.
And shit, they all say "eh." You've gotta love these people.

I want to list EVERYONE whose work I love, but these ones stand out the most:
Raina Telgemeier,
Christine Norrie,
Ryan North,
Tara McPherson,
Stuart Immonen,
J. Bone,
Michael Cho,
Cameron Stewart, and of course
Rob Coughler and Ramon Perez.

I'm honored to be a part of the Women Of Comics group, as well as the Sunday 3:00 "Caught in a Web of Comics" panel, which includes the aforementioned stunningly handsome Perez and Coughler duo as well as Ryan North of Dinosaur Comics.

Heroes (Charlotte, NC)
June 15-17

Oooooh, Heroes Con, how I love thee.
This con is becoming my Pittsburgh of the south (I know some people don't dig on Pittsburgh, but it's still got a place in my heart).

This is another excellent show with OH MY GOD the guests!! CHECK OUT THE GUESTS!!

If you're planning on going to the Wizard Philly show instead of this one, you should seriously reconsider.
Here are a few reasons:
Kyle Baker,
Tommy Lee Edwards,
Matt Fraction,
Liz Greenfield,
Adam Hughes,
Jim Mahfood,
Chris Moreno,
Phil Noto,
Bill Ellis,
James Hatton,
Jennie Breeden, and
Andy Runton. And, well, me.

And if THAT didn't win you over, the ultra-hot Liz Greenfield and I will be doing a panel together*.
It's us. So it will be a riot. And you probably won't understand half of it, because Liz is a gigglemachine, and it's contagious.
But c'mon. You're never gonna see anything like this again (unless it's us, in a panel, at next year's Heroes Con).

Oh, and they have a sweet website with a great Indie Island!

*Date and time to come!


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It's free, infrequent, & not annoying.

2024 Schedule

GWS 20th Birthday

Richmond, Virginia - 9/30
Here Queer from 5-8

we love you, Asheville, stay safe!!

Nashville, Tennesee - 10/5
Lipstick Lounge from 1-3

Indianapolis, Indiana - 10/7
Hampton & Co. from 5-8

Madison, Wisconsin - 10/9

Chicago, Illinois - 10/10
Booked Evanston from 6-8

Ann Arbor, Michigan - 10/12

Cleveland, Ohio - 10/13

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 10/14

Shepherdstown, West Virginia - 10/18
wrap party! at Four Seasons Books from 6-9


Jefferson County, West Virginia November 9-10
stop #4 with ceramicist Esther Murphy

Danielle likes to read...

New faves!!

Underpants and Overbites
My Giant Nerd Boyfriend
Up and Out
Alison and her Rock Awesome Robot
Kevin Budnik's autobio comics


Questionable Content
Something Positive
Dumbing of Age
Diesel Sweeties
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Johnny Wander
Octopus Pie
That Deaf Guy
Sufficiently Remarkable
Blaster Nation
Ramen Empire
Jump Rope
Outlander Man

Too Sexy For Work!
Chester 5000 (too sexy for work!)

Oh Joy Sex Toy (also too sexy!)
The Rock Cocks (careful: sexy!)

Finished, but worth re-reading!
The Bad Chemicals
Cul de Sac 

I also love the podcast My Brother My Brother And Me!

My old pal R. Stevens and I used to do a podcast called Coffee and Cider! It was mostly about being work-obsessed idiots and human beings who like beverages and have cats.