The elements: wind and fire
Posted November 29, 2005 at 02:01 am

1. Wind

Does anybody else have a DSL connection that only works on clear, cloudless, windless medium-temperature days?
No? Well, I do!!

And although the temperature outside is a bizzarre and pleasant 60-something degrees at 3:30 in the morning, it's also been raining nonstop since yesterday, and the wind is so strong it's catching our windchimes (which, for one reason or another, don't chime unless there's a tornado).

So I've been getting (and continue to get) the "Local Area Connection: A network cable is unplugged" message on my toolbar with the seizure-inducing pattern of a strobe light.
It's driving me batty and I've finally just decided to give up.
I'm doing today's strip later this afternoon, when I get run out to the store and buy a new router to see if that's the problem first.

2. Fire

In other news, I spent about half an hour this afternoon littering my apartment with small Post-It notes.

The reason? My roommate Kris turned 2-- yesterday (never reveal a lady's age!) and his birthday gift to himself was to quit smoking.
So I played Quitter's Little Helper and spread little messages of joy reminding him that quitting will land him a better job, keep his lungs happy, and increase his "potential girlfriend" pool by 100%.

Forgive the browser-resized photo; I hate doing that, but I really don't feel like saving (and then trying to upload) a separate thumbnail for this.
Enjoy! (And Mom, beware - a lot of the messages could use a little soap to wash their mouths out with!)

P.S. To my smokin' readers: no offense meant by the nasty messages on these notes.
A good deal of my friends smoke. I just happen to care about you f*ers, and I'd like you to stick around a little longer. :)

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GWS 20th Anniversary
Northeast Tour in August!
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Danielle likes to read...

New faves!!

Underpants and Overbites
My Giant Nerd Boyfriend
Up and Out
Alison and her Rock Awesome Robot
Kevin Budnik's autobio comics


Questionable Content
Something Positive
Dumbing of Age
Diesel Sweeties
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Johnny Wander
Octopus Pie
That Deaf Guy
Sufficiently Remarkable
Blaster Nation
Ramen Empire
Jump Rope
Outlander Man

Too Sexy For Work!
Chester 5000 (too sexy for work!)

Oh Joy Sex Toy (also too sexy!)
The Rock Cocks (careful: sexy!)

Finished, but worth re-reading!
The Bad Chemicals
Cul de Sac 

I also love the podcast My Brother My Brother And Me!

My old pal R. Stevens and I used to do a podcast called Coffee and Cider! It was mostly about being work-obsessed idiots and human beings who like beverages and have cats.